Design and Construction

Immerse yourself in the world of interior design. You will learn absolutely everything there is to know to become a competent, professional interior designer.

Design Theory, Space Planning, Construction + Business

(Need Knowledge of AutoCad or Revit, can be taken alongside or before)

Design and Construction Course
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I have yet to find students who are so well trained in so many areas.I am always impressed by their knowledge and expertise as well as their technical skills. Design Alive is my first point of call when I am looking to hire.

Susan Strauss

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Design Like a Pro,
Alongside Our Exceptional Students!

Complete this course,
having accomplished the following

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“Thank you so much for an amazing and thorough course. I enjoyed the classes every week and loved learning the programs. The lessons were always clear and explained in a simple way, which gave me the ability to truly become proficient in AutoCAD and Revit. BH I recently started working in an architect firm in Brooklyn and I am currently an architectural designer for residential plans. I hope to one day design and draw commercials. I enjoy my job immensely.”


You are the perfect fit for this course if you are a

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Trend Lover
Do you get a thrill walking through decor shops and staying up to date with the latest home trends?

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Intuitive Space Planner
Do you walk into a space and immediately rearrange it in your head?

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Software Savvy
You have a foundation in the AutoCAD and knowledge of Revit (not mandatory but definitely a plus!)

Customize your learning
experience to fit your schedule

 Live Learning  Self- paced learning
icon_small (24) When Course runs from October-July
Timeslot options:
9.15-11.15 AM EST
1.30-3.30 PM EST
8.30-10.30 Eve EST
You are able to begin at any point during the year.
18 months to complete
icon_small (25) Classes 2 classes per week
10-15 hours homework weekly.
Complete in your own time and at your own pace 
icon_small (26) Perfect for someone who needs Real-time interaction with instructors and classmates, structure and accountability. A starting point any time during the year, and want to complete the course at your own pace.
icon_small (27) Advantages Interact in a classroom setting, learn from lecturers, and establish real-time relationships. Start whenever you need, create a personalized schedule, and work at your own pace to complete the course.

Registration is now closed for the live course. Join the waitlist to be notified when 25-26 registration is open

Self-paced option is available

Live Learning
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Course runs from October-July
Timeslot options:
9.15-11.15 AM EST
1.30-3.30 PM EST
8.30-10.30 Eve EST
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2 classes per week
10-15 hours homework weekly.
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Perfect for someone
who needs

Real-time interaction with instructors and classmates, structure and accountability.

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Interact in a classroom setting, learn from lecturers, and establish real-time relationships.

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You are able to begin at any point during the year. <br>18 months to complete

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Complete in your own time and at your own pace 

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Perfect for someone
who needs

Starting point any time during the year, and want to complete the course at your own pace.

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Start whenever you need, create a personalized schedule, and work at your own pace to complete the course.

Meet your instructors

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Rochel Lea

Design Theory Instructor

Meet Rochel Lea Groundland. With over 20 years of design experience and a degree in Interior Design, Rochel Lea is excited to share her expertise with you.Prepare to be inspired by her engaging and informative classes as she strives to ensure your design success.

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Design Theory Instructor

Meet Bracha, an interior designer and architect in Israel.  Bracha specializes in space planning and maximizing space to its fullest potential. Bracha  has a passion (bordering on obsession) for Revit. You will enjoy her informative and practical lessons, as well as her gentle and pleasant teaching style.

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Fundamentals of Construction

Meet Anna, an architect and interior designer. Within her own practice, she specializes in commercial and multifunctional buildings and interiors.Learning from Anna, you will not only gain from her wealth of knowledge, but also from her professionalism and interesting classes.

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Fundamentals of Construction

Meet Miri, an experienced Interior designer with a focus on space planning and high-end custom kitchen and bathroom design. You will gain so much from Miri’s in-depth classes, enabling you to grasp construction and material composition, which will set you up for success as you begin your career.

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Meet Nofar, an experienced interior designer, who recently made aliyah and now specializes in creating dream homes for people in Israel who are living in the diaspora. You will be fortunate enough to be mentored by Nofar who has helped designers and grads in the past start and build their firms, as Nofar believes that everyone has it in them to reach their goals and dreams! 

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Meet Devora. An interior designer, specializing in commercial and educational spaces. Devora is fascinated by the uniqueness of each space and how the end user experiences it, this being the driving force of her design. She is passionate about teaching about her design experiences, to prepare her students for their careers moving forward!

Guest Lectures

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CEO Michelle Mozes
Meet Michelle, our special guest lecturer at Design Alive, and a rebranding expert. Starting her business in 2009 during the Great Recession, Michelle transitioned from a renowned comic book artist to a successful graphic designer. In 2019, she transformed herself from "just a designer" to a leading CEO. Join her webinar to learn how to stand out in a saturated market with proven strategies to elevate your business and attract your dream clients. 

Click Here
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Shana Wirzberger

CEO Shana W. Interiors

Meet Shana Wirzburger, founder of Shana W. Interiors, a Jerusalem-based boutique design firm known for creating luxurious yet functional spaces. With a multicultural background in architecture, Shana offers a personalized, creative approach to interior design. In this exciting webinar, Shana will share her design insights and answer key questions that are on the minds of junior designers, offering valuable tips on crafting beautiful, bespoke interiors.
Click Here
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Act 2 Interiors


Meet Shifra Mendelovitch, CEO of Act2 Interiors with over 20 years of experience designing healthcare facilities. In her webinar, Shifra shares expert tips and advice on creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to healthcare needs. It’s a unique opportunity to learn from her vast experience and get a behind-the-scenes look at healthcare design!
Click Here
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CEO Michelle Mozes
Meet Michelle, our special guest lecturer at Design Alive, and a rebranding expert. Starting her business in 2009 during the Great Recession, Michelle transitioned from a renowned comic book artist to a successful graphic designer. In 2019, she transformed herself from "just a designer" to a leading CEO. Join her webinar to learn how to stand out in a saturated market with proven strategies to elevate your business and attract your dream clients. 

Click Here
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Shana Wirzberger

CEO Shana W. Interiors

Meet Shana Wirzburger, founder of Shana W. Interiors, a Jerusalem-based boutique design firm known for creating luxurious yet functional spaces. With a multicultural background in architecture, Shana offers a personalized, creative approach to interior design. In this exciting webinar, Shana will share her design insights and answer key questions that are on the minds of junior designers, offering valuable tips on crafting beautiful, bespoke interiors.
Click Here
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Act 2 Interiors


Meet Shifra Mendelovitch, CEO of Act2 Interiors with over 20 years of experience designing healthcare facilities. In her webinar, Shifra shares expert tips and advice on creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to healthcare needs. It’s a unique opportunity to learn from her vast experience and get a behind-the-scenes look at healthcare design!
Click Here

Your Syllabus

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Design magic theory

Understanding the basics, What is architecture vs. interior design vs. interior decorating? Understand the basics of hand drafting as well as design history.

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Science of color

Emphasize effective spatial arrangements in each project.

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Space planning:

Schematic design, bubble and block diagrams, open concept, and space maximization

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Construction and design

Explore various materials for walls, floors, ceilings, architectural details (doors, windows, window treatments), stair construction, and furniture design exploration (materials, millwork, and carpentry).

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Spatial Design

Office Design, Kitchen and Bathroom Design, ADA and Universal Design, Green and Sustainable Design

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Know how to make lighting effective and practical and how to select energy-efficient options. Understand how to influence mood by selecting different lighting options.

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Professional practice

Terminology, prospecting potential jobs, writing a contract, pricing options, time logs, and more

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Design projects:

Bedroom project, cafe project, office project, kitchen project, full-scale home remodel, portfolio, and resume

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Children’s Bedroom Project

The Children’s Bedroom Project utilizes basic hand drafting skills to design an exciting new bedroom for the client. Learn to create a program, brainstorm creative ideas, and produce hand drafted floor plans. Illustrate the design through a realistic 3D foam core model.

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Cafe Project

Let your creativity soar by creating a cafe with a theme and integrating it into the design of the cafe. Develop space planning skills, emphasizing circulation, traffic patterns and the open concept, and get a taste of what commercial design entails.

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Office Project

Choose one of 4 options for an office/clinic design that includes a unique program and floor plan. Develop a spatial plan that translates the program into a functional working space while answering to the requirements of the client.

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Kitchen Project

Design a new kitchen for a most challenging client – an interior designer with very specific needs and wants. Rest assured, she is open to new and fresh ideas. Explore the existing space, understand the needs and develop a creative spatial and design solution.

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Custom Home Project

The sky’s the limit in this final project, designing a custom dream home. Plan the layout and design all of the interior spaces in this 2 story home. All of the skills gained throughout the course will now be put to good use, with this exciting design challenge.

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Design Portfolio

Finally, create a design portfolio, the culmination of your design work during this Design Alive course. Impress prospective employers and clients, and showcase all of your acquired design skills through a selection of work done throughout this course.

Bonus Section

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Tutorials on Enscape – walk through rendering program

Jump into the Enscape excitement, propelling your renders into mind-bending reality! It’s time for real-time walkthroughs – think architectural playground. Polish lighting and visuals ready to take your project to  a new dimension?

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LinkedIn and

Setting up Linkedin- Learn to connect with industry professionals, expand your network, and display your Designs and portfolio for your own professional career.
Learn essential business fundamentals, such as invoicing, pricing, and client management.

Design Like a Pro,
Alongside Our Exceptional Students!

Why Choose Design Alive’s Interior Design course

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No upsells, complete education tailored for landing a job

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Join a community of like minded peers with job postings and support

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Earn credits with our recognised college level courses


Employment opportunities  

As more and more of our daily interactions occur via digital interfaces the need for UX UI designers is growing exponentially.


While this course focuses on design as well as space planning, the Space Planning course concentrates primarily on the technical aspects of space throughout all projects. In Space Planning, the design related classes are included as a bonus option, because a successful space planner should have a good grasp of design in order to create and maximize beautiful spaces. The 8 projects focus on the challenges of space planning within different settings and criteria. Additional space planning focused lectures are included.

In the live course, once should expect to devote 10-15 hours a week on out of class work as the course progresses.

You need to be proficient in AutoCad or Revit. These can be learned along side or preferably prior to design course. (see AutoCad Revit page) 

You are expected to catch up on each missed class via the recording link.

Live learning option: Students learn according to a structured schedule and pace and attend live sessions for lecture and feedback. The course runs from October till July. 

Self-paced option: Students can start at any time during the year and an complete the course at their desired pace. They have 18 months to complete the course. All project feedback and  correspondence is conducted via email between mentor and student.

Cohort learning option is not available for this course.

Yes, you can pay for the course over 12 payments.

The course is built around the Jewish year with a winter (Chanukah) vacation and vacation during the month of Nissan. A course calendar is available to all students via their account page.

Yes. Upon successful completion of all projects and program tests (including regular attendance), students will be presented with a certificate of completion from Design Alive.
There is also an option to gain accreditation for courses completed that can be put towards a degree

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