
See the proof for yourself. Read about our students who have surpassed even their own expectations about what they can design!

Group 1639 - Design Alive
IOE 1 1 - Design Alive


See the proof for yourself. Read about our students who have surpassed even their own expectations about what they can design!

IOE 1 1 - Design Alive
Mask group 1 - Design Alive
Peninah Kaufman
Rasha Nockenofsky (Knockout Media) knows a good thing when she sees a good thing. She loves to hire a DA student because she knows she’s getting the most professionally trained employees.
I’d heard so many great things about DA that I decided to take the Motion Graphics course. As soon as I completed the course, I was work ready so I applied and was offered a position at Knockout Media. It was a great experience editing the videos, but after two years, I felt ready to go out on my own. There’s the obvious flexibility of my own hours so I’m busy with work according to my schedule. I’m so busy that financially I feel grateful that I took the chance bH. I learnt the skills and all-round background in graphics plus and need the talent. And the hustle. The all-around background in graphics has helped me with my business today. Thank you Bashi for your confidence in DA, and thank you DA! Checkout my linkedin –
dynagrphik - Design Alive
Breindy Salgo
Graphic Design Graduate
Sem was over…help what was I going to do now?
I sat down with my mother to start figuring things out.
I knew I was good at graphic design so that was a start, but could I actually do a course and make a good salary out of it? Doesn’t every other Tom, Dick, and Harry do it?
Wherever she turned, all my mother heard was you’ve got to sign up for Design Alive’s Graphic Design course and that by discovering my calling, I’ll find success.
I completed the computer graphics in the first year and graphic design portfolio courses by the end of my second year. With that all under my belt, I got my first and only job as a graphic designer. At Dynagraphics, I work with others as a graphic designer, creating logos, ad campaigns, posters, and invitations. I’ve worked there for three years and counting…I call that my day job.

Then I started my dream job—freelancing. So at night I work with clients myself. It’s a great little side business that brings in extra income and I enjoy as my own.

If all that hasn’t convinced you how great the course investment was, DA gave me a great opportunity. On the JDF they advertised that they needed book covers designed for Menucha Publishers. From all the former and present students, I won the job so whenever Menucha publishers need graphics, I’m their designer.

Even though I’m working doing the same thing day and night, I love and have confidence in what I do.

Checkout Breindys work on