Design Alive has tutors available for extra support. Tutors are available to meet with students for a live one-on-one tutoring session.
Please ensure that before reaching out to our tutors you have tried to ask your question on the JDF, Design Alive’s Jewish design forum where our tutors and grads are available to answer your questions. Please note you may get a quicker response this way.
Tutor Support Terms & Conditions:
- Tutoring support is not unlimited. Design Alive offers up to 4 hours of free support. If you exceed these hours, you will have to pay the tutor privately at the rate that she chooses to charge.
- Once you are in contact with a tutor, only use that tutor for all support sessions.
- If you do not show up to a support session that has been arranged with the tutor, you will forfeit 1 hour of your tutoring time.
We haves set up 3 Tutoring courses and you will see a list of tutors there and how to contact them.
AutoCad and Revit Tutors: Autocad and Revit tutoring slots can be accessed through the AutoCad Tutoring course. Please use this link.
Graphics Fundamentals Tutor: Assistance with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign homeworks can be accessed via the Graphics Tutoring course. Please use this link.
Web Design Tutor: Assistance with Web Design can be accessed via the Web Tutoring course. Please use this link.
For personal assistance, fill out the form below: